One Day Workshop On Communication Skills And Self Employment

One day workshop on Communication skills and self employment


Department of Life Long Learning, University of Jammu organizes one day workshop on “ Communication skills and self employment” at GDC Purmandal In alignment with the vision of the honourable Vice-chancellor University of Jammu Prof. Umesh Rai, the department of Life Long Learning, University of Jammu in collaboration with Govt. Degree College, Purmandal organized one day workshop on “ Communication skills and self employment” on 10 th of October, 2024. The workshop was jointly inaugurated by Dr. Priyanka Sharma, Director Department of Life Long Learning, University of Jammu and Dr. C.K. Khajuria, Principal of the college. In her inaugural speech Dr. Priyanka appraised the students about the importance of communication skills in both formal and informal life setting. She also explained that the journey to be self employed is the best path to transform your passion into a source of income. The main objectives of the workshop were to enable the students to learn skills of communication so that they can communicate with precision and clarity and to enable the skills to learn the benefits of becoming self employed. Worthy Principal of the college formally welcomed the guests and highlighted the importance of such programme for the students. He also stressed upon the students to take benefits of such activities to achieve the path of success. The special resource person of the workshop was Ms. Neetu Dhar, Chief Coordinator and Master Trainer JKDCUL [Jammu Kashmir Dairy Producers Processors and Marketing Cooperative Ltd.], Jammu. She detailed the students about components of formal and informal communication skills. She also involved the students through various activities for enhancing their communication skills. Evaluation of the students was also done in the end by the resource person. The second resource person Mr. Pankaj Sasan, Assistant Director, Department of industries and Commerce apprised the students about self employment opportunities; start ups and gave detailed information about various govt. Schemes and loans. He also apprised the youth about dynamics of our state viz. Entrepreneur avenue. The workshop was co-ordinated by Dr. Rewa Khajuria, Counsellor, Department of Lifelong Learning, University of Jammu. About 54 students of the college very enthusiastically participated in the workshop. Prof. Shahima Akhter, Convener Career Counseling Cell of the college conducted the programme. Among others presented were Dr Sunita Devi, Prof. Lakshmi Sohan, Prof. Pallavi, Prof. Preeti Rachna and Dr. Jatinder Kour. The formal vote of thanks was presented by Prof. Shahima Akhter.

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