GDC Purmandal Organizes Rangoli Competiton Under MMMD Campaign

GDC Purmandal organizes Rangoli Competiton under MMMD campaign


NSS Unit in collaboration with the Cultural Committee of the college organized Rangoli Compeition in the college premises on 14th of August, 2023 under “Meri Mati Mera Desh” campaign of GOI. Twelve students participated in the said competition. Students using different colors exhibited their artistic skills with full gaiety and enthusiasm by making beautiful rangolis on the theme “ Meri Mati Mera Desh” which symbolized the multiculturalism of India. Babeeta Devi of B. A semester 3rd stood first and Mohinder Kumar of B. A. Semester 5th won second prize in the competition. The competition was adjudged by Prof. Lakshmi Sohan. Principal of the college Prof. [Dr.] Raj Shree Dhar appreciated the sincere efforts of the students and encourage them develop progressive attitude in life. The programme was organized under the patronage of Worthy Principal Prof. [Dr.] Raj Shree Dhar. Organizing team included Dr. Deepika Mehra [Convener Cultural Committee], Prof. Shahima Akhter [ Convener NSS Advisory Committee], Prof. Lakshmi Sohan [ HOD English] & Prof. Mohammad Rafi [NSS PO].
GDC Purmandal organizes Rangoli Competiton under MMMD campaign
GDC Purmandal organizes Rangoli Competiton under MMMD campaign
GDC Purmandal organizes Rangoli Competiton under MMMD campaign

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