GDC Purmandal Organizes Mega Plantation Drive Under “Meri Mati Mera Desh” Campaign Of GOI

GDC Purmandal Organizes Mega Plantation Drive  under “Meri Mati Mera Desh” Campaign of GOI


Keeping the Promise of Planting 1000 saplings in and around Panchayat Katwalta NSS Unit in collaboration with ECO-Club of the college organized plantation drive today on 31st of July, 2023 in continuation of Mega Plantation drive that will run till 15th of August 2023 in which 05 saplings will be planted on each day beginning from 26th of July, 2023. The aim of the Plantation Drive is to make adopted village Mandal A Green Spot in J&K. Around 50 NSS Volunteers are enthusiastically participating in the said drive. The whole programme will be organized under the patronage of Principal of the college Prof. [Dr.] Raj Shree Dhar and coordinatorship of Prof. Mohammad Rafi [NSS PO] with the active support of Prof. Shahima Akhter [convener Eco-Club], Prof. Lakshmi Sohan [HOD English] and Dr. Deepika Mehra [HOD Dogri].

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