Extension Lecture And Door To Door Campaign

Extension lecture and Door to Door Campaign


Extension lecture and Door to Door Campaign on Day 2 of NSS Special Camp 2023. As a part of 8 Day NSS special Summer Camp, NSS Unit and Career Counseling Cell of the college in collaboration with District Employment and Counseling Centre, Samba organized an extension lecture on Career Opportunities in Banking, Insurance and Mutual Funds. The resource person Mr. Dushyant Singh, Counseling Officer from DECC, Samba have an interactive session with students. It was an impactful session with the students learning about various aspects and prospects in Private sector and means to reach there. The speaker gave an overview about Banking, Insurance and Mutual Funds. The speaker was happy to share his knowledge with the students and praise them all for asking some excellent questions. Speaking on the occasion, Principal of the college Prof. [Dr.] Raj Shree Dhar advised the students on several aspects that one needs to focus on while in college. She spoke about making career in Private sector also and not to limit one’s potential in only one profile. Door to Door campaign for compiling data about “Survey of Youth not in formal education or regular employment” was also continued with the volunteers collecting data in the adopted village of Sangar and Karnal of Block Purmandal, Tehsil Bari Brahmana, Distt. Samba. The volunteers participated in both these activities with full Zeal and enthusiasm. The whole programme was coordinated by Prof. Mohammad Rafi [NSS PO] and Co-coordinated by Prof. Shahima Akhter [Nodal Officer, Career Counseling Cell] with the active support of Prof. Lakshmi Sohan [HOD, English] and Dr. Deepika Mehra [HOD, Dogri].
Extension lecture and Door to Door Campaign
Extension lecture and Door to Door Campaign

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