4th Phase Of Back To Village

4th phase of Back to Village


In connection with the 4th phase of Back to Village (B2V4) programme which is a great initiative with the lot of potential for shortening the communication gap between the administration and the common masses, the Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir has embarked on an ambitious and extensive programme of reaching out to the masses at the grass root level to create amongst rural people, an earnest desire for decent standard of living. The B2V4 is aimed to involve the people of UT and the Govt. officials in a joint effort to deliver the mission of equitable development, energizing Panchayats and directing development efforts in rural areas through community participation.C:\Users\HP\Downloads\20221031_142540.jpg

As part of this programme (B2V4) today on 28th of October, 2022, Joint Director PD and MD Sunil Pandita along with Sarpanch Sapna Sapolia, Panch Karnal and other Panchayat members visited GDC Purmandal and interacted with the Worthy Principal of the College ‘Prof. Seema Mir’. She while having an informal interaction with the officer told him about the establishment of the college and the difficulties and hurdles which the college authorities faced in establishing GDC Purmandal with all the modern day educational facilities like ICT, Interactive panels, facilities for girl students like vending machine and other medical services which the students and the stakeholders required. She also discussed with the officer the ongoing construction of new college building and ensured the officer about the completion of works in stipulated time period to provide necessary benefits to all the stakeholders and to the general public. The Principal along with all the staff members also narrated about the health care and the facility especially to the students who come from far flung areas as the college provides proper health care and sanitation facilities especially to girl students and overall wellbeing of all the students since there is medical shop near the college vicinity where there is a proper pharmacist who visits the college on the call of the college authorities. With the help of BMO Purmandal, the college authorities time and again organizes health camps for the stakeholders as well as the local masses. In continuation with the B2V4 Programme, next day i.e. 29th of October, 2022, Joint Director Planning expressed his desire to hold some kind of activity at GDC Purmandal, so that the stakeholders could showcase their talent. Worthy Principal of the college ‘Prof. Seema Mir’ along with her dedicated team of teachers organized a friendly volleyball match amongst Sem-1st and Sem-3rd  students of the college which was witnessed by the B2V4 officers along with the local Sarpanch and Panches of Block Purmandal. While addressing students, the officer incharge, interacted with the students and also discussed with them, the difficulties which the students especially the girls students faced about irregular transport facility. He ensured the college authorities about the dedicated transparent system, not only for the students but also for the locals. Worthy Principal of the college in her address mentioned about the initiative which was headed by our Worthy Principal Secretary Sh. Rohit Kansal Ji which would paveway for the success of B2V4 programme.

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