GDC Purmandal Organizes Cleanliness Drive

GDC Purmandal organizes Cleanliness Drive


NSS Unit of GDC Purmandal organized Cleanliness Drive in Devika River at Purmandal in collaboration with Directorate of Tourism, District Administration and Forest Department. NSS Volunteers actively participated in the cleanliness of river Devika where they collected the both biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. The volunteers and the District Administration apprised the local vendors regarding the cleanliness of the environment, as we people try to keep our homes clean while we forget our responsibility towards the environment. Local vendors were advised to keep dustbins so that filth can be curbed. On this occasion, Principal GDC Purmandal Prof. [Dr.] C.K. Khajuria congratulate the volunteers and the NSS PO Dr. Sunita Devi for the effective initiative as well as participation. He asserted that we need to take such more initiatives to keep our surroundings clean and green.

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